Hustle is GREAT. People are so responsive. The platform is easy to use, and those on the other end seem really ready to engage. I’m psyched!

  • Chelsea Watson, Distributed Organizer, Resist Campaign

The Problem

Founded in 1892, Sierra Club is now the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with successes ranging from protecting tracts of wilderness, to passing the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act. In order to mobilize over three million members and supporters, they needed an efficient way to cut through the noise that defines channels like email and direct mailers.

"I've been using Hustle today around budget actions and have been texting our list. It’s GREAT. People are so responsive. The platform is easy to use, and those on the other end seem really ready to engage. I’m psyched!" Chelsea Watson, Distributed Organizer

The Solution

Our dedicated client success team held hands-on training for Sierra Club organizers and volunteers; the Nevada team then Hustled supporters in the Reno area to show up for an in-person event to protect the Arctic Refuge, while the Colorado team Hustled for a Town Hall in Denver for 100% clean energy.

The Outcome

Success! The Nevada team reached out to 503 supporters and held 1:1 conversations at a rate of 28%; those who couldn’t make the event expressed happiness to hear from Sierra Club. In Denver, they texted over 2,700 supporters and saw a response rate of 24%. For those that couldn’t make it, many responded positively to a secondary ask to make a public comment about clean energy.